Day 16 : Going Through Withdrawal

Camielle is back on her laptop and is ready to discuss this week's progress and problems! Woohoo!

After getting Emma back from the hands of the chorus teacher and their trip to Disney World, we were finally able to discuss a few things about the project, like where we should practice, how many days we should practice and so on. I was content with how things were going, until our teacher announced that she would not be at school on Friday. I assumed that this would leave us at a standstill because Friday was the day that we usually have the chance to work on our project during school hours. Leaving us to blog on our own time was pretty irritating, but it had to be done. 

Speaking of doing things outside of school, I've been going through a pretty depressing withdrawal within the past twenty-four hours. My acoustic guitar, Dale, was in need of some cleaning and his strings were in need of replacing. So I gave him to a friend to be fixed. Ever since, I haven't been able to listen to any songs with guitar sounds, or else i will pout and say to myself, "I wish I didn't give him to someone else for the weekend". I have an electric guitar named Jinley that could serve as an alternative, but I've been really close to Dale for a while. So for Dale to be away for this long is what worries me.

Aside from Dale being miles away from his mother, I've made some progress with Jinley and have completed some melodies for two songs. The titles will be released towards the end of February along with the rest of the track list. Not only have I been working on music, but I've also been working on album art, taking pictures from nearly three years ago and using them for an even bigger project. Let me know what you guys think!

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