Day 7: Pacing Around My Right Brain's Foyer

Hello, big world! It's Camielle, the last initial of the group ETC.
Since I have no idea how to start this blog entry, I'll just explain what we have done so far and my own struggles within the project.

The songwriting process isn't all that its cracked up to be. There are some artists out there that have a natural talent for it, and they can write a Top 40 hit in two hours tops. But me? I just stare at the lined paper in front of me, wondering if my pencil has any ideas that I could steal from it. Just because you're considered a poetic genius doesn't mean that the knowledge and ideas that you have can be channeled that easily. Not only does something like this require practice, but it also takes patience. And from past experiences, I know that I am not a very patient person. Sometimes I wonder what life would be like if this EP gained any real publicity. Would it get to our heads? Is the fame really worth it? The world is a big ocean with a boat load of people to receive judgement from, but that shouldn't stop us from reaching our goals.

Even though this is only the beginning of something great, there is already more than enough to worry about. Its either I'm worried that I'll stay in the ideas phase, or I'm already thinking too far ahead.

So far, we already have three originals (written by yours truly) on the table and we are still deciding which songs to cover. Personally, I believe that we as a group are capable of producing ten songs at the most, but four originals feel just right since this is the first time that we have decided to record any music and sell it online. Even though the cover for the EP is already completed (image below), I'm debating on whether or not to just trash the image and start all over again. Leave your comments about the image below if you guys have any ideas!

This is Camielle, signing off! See you tomorrow maybe...?
9:41 P.M.

 photo eyIlWRZ_zpsaa66e777.jpg

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